
What is tongue-tie?

A tongue-tie (Ankyloglossia) is a condition where the lingual frenulum minimises the tongue’s range of motion. This band of tissue (lingual frenulum) connects the tip of the tongue to the bottom of the mouth.

Russell Medical Centre is a Brisbane based clinic dedicated to providing professional and caring tongue release service resulting in successful outcomes for both breast and bottle feeding mums. We have over 28 years’ experience specialising in tongue-tie release (both anterior and posterior) using the scissor release technique.

We educate parents using fact-based information at the time of consultation and examination.

To date, we are proud to have assisted over 11,000 mothers and their babies with tongue-ties and lip-tie releases.

What are the symptoms of a tongue-tie?

Mother’s experience

  • having difficulty feeding
  • nipple trauma
  • poor milk transfer to baby
  • experiences a reduction of milk supply.
  • mastitis

Baby’s experience

  • not latching to mother’s nipple
  • chomping on nipple
  • not gaining weight
  • tiring rapidly
  • slow feeding
  • gulping air / making a clicking sound
  • not satisfied for long after feeding
  • bloated with wind
  • baby can experience digestive problems.

Potential symptoms of tongue-tie

  • child develops speech problems.
  • child dental hygiene suffers 
  • problems eating solid food

Breastfeeding can be a wonderful experience for both you and your baby, but at times it can be hard and the reasons for this are varied. Tongue-tie is only one potential reason why difficulties are experienced.

The benefits of tongue-tie release

Where tongue-tie is the sole cause of breastfeeding difficulties, the benefits after releasing the tongue-tie typically include:

Immediate benefits

Future benefits

The main risks of tongue-tie release

Brisbane’s most experienced provider

With over 50 years of experience and over 73,000 procedures performed, you can trust Russell Medical to deliver the very best in quality and service.

One of our friendly team will contact you within 8 business hours.

One of our friendly team will contact you within 8 business hours.